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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  October 20, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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ted cruz and john mccain are interviewed in state of the union on sunday morning. i'm don lemon, thanks for watching. good night, everybody. i told them, they got them. >> these two convicted killers are back behind bars. the question this morning, how did they manage to pull off their escape, and could it happen again? his critics call him a laughingstock and supporters call him a trail blazer. >> i don't work for the party bosses in wash and i work for the people of texas and fight for them. >> ted cruz talks about his fights and his future in washington.
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and who knew? hollywood funny man, jim carrey, now a published author. we talk about his new book and film. >> can you give us a little taste of what we can expect? >> no. >> just a little teaser? >> no. welcome to "new day sunday." i am ana. >> i am victor blackwell. we'll talk more about the news. the capture of two escaped killers, people in florida breathing easier this morning. >> the fugitives are back behind bars after escaping with forged
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documents. here is cnn's nick valencia. >> reporter: the two convicted florida killers that saw scaped this florida prison behind me have been arrested, according to the u.s. marshal service, charles walker and joseph jenkins were taken into custody and arrested without incident. they had been on the run since september 27th and october 8th respecttively, and for all intends and purposes were living normal lives. in a press conference on saturday we heard from the families of both conflicts pleading for them to turn themselves in, and the arrests happened hours after the press conference was held, and we don't know if they listened to that press conference. there are a lot of questions.
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ana, victor? >> we will be asking more questions throughout the morning. two workers killed by an out-of-service b.a.r.t. train. officials say one worker was a union member who chose to come to work and the other was a contract, and both had experience working and moving trains. >> you know, we're dealing with a situation here where the labor issues, the negotiations are not in the forefront of our mind. we just lost two people in the b.a.r.t. family, and that's what our focus is on, getting through this evening, notifying the next of kin and trying to figure out what happened. i am not even going to talk about any connection to anything
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else other than dealing with the tragedy that we have here right now. >> the train that killed the two men was computer operated at the time but had workers on it. imagine living through this nightmare for more than two weeks, a mother and father searches for their lost teenage sun for weeks. he was last seen running out of his school in new york, and hundreds of police officers and volunteers working around the clock had been hunting through tunnels and subway stations and sewer systems for any sign of them and despite the search, they have not had any leads. >> this is terrible. it's like a nightmare i can't wake up from, you know, every day to see my son come home, and praying that somebody has found him. i don't wish this on any one,
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any family to experience, and this should never happen. >> his mother also tells cnn she believes her son is alive and thinks somebody may be holding him. >> we have the first obama care signup numbers and despite the glitches administration officials tell cnn almost half a million people have completed online applications and let's be clear. that does not mean they are enrolled. the applications are the first step to determine eligibility. and then the senator leading the night against it made is triu h triumphant in texas. >> reporter: here in his home state of texas, he is revered and got a standing ovation from
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a roomful of 800, saying he did exactly what they wanted him to do, and that's when he told tphus an interview it's he doing the right thing and it's the republicans in the senate he had the strongest words for. >> so many of the colleagues were saying why are you doing this? and really, they were angry at you. i am wondering on a human level, they told me that you did not flinch, and on a human level that has to be bothering you, to be standing in an institution like that and having your fellow republicans so angry at you? >> not remotely. the people i work for, that's the men and women you just saw, i work for the texasens. the reason people are frustrated all over the country far too
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many people get elected and they think they are there to be part of the club. what i said in those closed-door discussions i would have said the exact same thing if cnn's camera was sitting in the room. >> reporter: senator cruz talked about the story, about the future, the fact that he says he will not let up on this despite the opposition even and especially from fellow republicans. we will have a lot more on that later this morning on "state of the union." let's take you overseas now, police in greaece are trying to find this girl's family. a dna test resulted that this was not her family. the 48-year-old woman has ten registered children in two different locations, and the man has four, and the girl has now
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been placed in the custody of a charity hoping to find her real family. firefighters in australia will not get any help from the weather today. forecasters are expecting a couple days of high temperatures and strong winds, and the area around sidney has been hit by nearly 100 fires in recent days, and hundreds of homes destroyed and at least two of the fires were started by power lines downed. from the midwest to the east coast, chilly temperatures are sweeping across the country. it was even chilly in atlanta this morning. >> a little bit. >> let's bring in meteorologist, karen mcguiness, from the weather center. >> yeah, in fact, we are seeing reinforcing cold air. most of that across the midwest.
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that will be felt around tuesday. you will be surprised just how cold the temperatures are expected to be, way below where we would expect them to be this time of year. and that the temperature is 42 degrees, and last hour it was 43 degrees. by monday morning, tuesday morning, that is your high temperature, so what it feels like now in chicago, that's what it's going to feel like on tuesday by the afternoon. typically chicago would be around 61 degrees, and that's the average high. minneapolis, you will see temperatures in the 40s there. the average high temperature in the 50s. so this is a little shocking to see temperatures a good ten to 20 degrees below where they should be for this time of year, all the way from fargo to grand forks, and grand forks seeing snowfall right now. we are watching a dip in the jet stream, and mild temperatures across the northwest, so in the meantime drive carefully if you are headed up towards that way. back to you guys.
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>> we know there are runners taking to the streets in denver today, so sounds like they will be bundled up to start. jpmorgan chase agreeing to one of the biggest settlements, we are talking billions, and find out how much of it could be coming back to you. and then a thrilling moment for couples in new jersey, a lot of some have been waiting for for years. we're back in a moment. [ horn honks ] [ passenger ] airport, please.
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jpmorgan chase has tentatively agreed to pay $13 billion in the bad mortgages sold. >> the bank tentatively agreed to the settlement with the justice department, and once it's done it would be the single bestest settlement. and evan perez explains more about where the money is going. >> $9 billion of the tentative settlement would be paid in fines and penalties to the government. there's a $4 billion piece that would be assigned for consumer relief which is basically loan modifications and help for
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consumers who may have had some problems as a result of some of these practices, these mortgage practices, so that is being discussed right now, and what is not included, and this is important, is a federal criminal investigation, which is continuing at jpmorgan chase, and that focuses on people, individuals, who may have misled investors and whether there was an credible wrong doing, and that's a big deal because the justice department, they do the settlements with big banks and nobody is held personally accountable for some of the issues that happened. >> this week is a big one for wall street. investors getting their hands on all the information they couldn't get because of the partial government shutdown. >> alison kosik has a preview. >> it's finally coming out, the jobs report is out on tuesday,
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almost three weeks late, and the department of labor puts it out, which is one of the biggest economic reports we get, and it only had three people working during the shutdown, and the october numbers will be delayed one week. other economic data from the government will finally start flowing in, and another big one, existing home sales due on monday, with mortgage rates rising more buyers have rushed to purchase before rates rise more, and also out, figures on home sales and durable goods, and sentiment. finally, the ipad could get an update. apple is holding a media event on tuesday, and the word on the street is the fifth generation ipad will get a slimmed down design and faster speed. that's what is coming up this week in business news. >> looking forward to it.
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a quick stint in jail for the ex-mayor bob filner is over. he was booked yesterday morning and released a few hours later and this is, of course, part of the plea deal. filner will also serve three months of home confinement, and three years of probation, and be required to undergo mental health treatment. the state supreme court refused chris christi's last ditch effort to change this. >> it's nice. >> it was so much easier to go in like a man and a woman, and just provide simple information and get a receipt. >> for us, the sim ballic part
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of it is we wanted to wait and do it here in new jersey, which is our home. >> after resting up from her tour, hillary clinton is out politicking again. on saturday she endorsed her long-time friend for governor of virginia, and clinton blasted republicans saying it's time to end divisive politics. coming up, aren't you ready for the world series? everybody in boston is. late last night, their team clinched a spot. >> love those pictures. my name is mike and i quit smoking. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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♪ good morning, atlanta. still a little dark downtown this morning. a lot of people are actually finishing up saturday night this morning, but some people are starting a beautiful sunday. the atlanta walk happening in the city today, and great day for it, high of 69 degrees and sunny skies, not too warm, perfect. boston strong, the red sox are headed to the world series. >> they beat the tigers last night in dramatic fashion. and joe carter has more now in this morning's bleacher report. >> guys, six months ago the city of boston was on lockdown after the marathon bombings, and the red sox became the rallying point for the city and the team started to feed off that and adopted the phrase boston strong, and after last night's
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big win, they are world series strong. and victorino, his grand slam put the win away. watch the emotion. last year this team lost 93 games and finished last place, and this season a complete turn around and finished the regular season with the best record in baseball and now headed to the world series to play the team that also had the best record in baseball, the st. louis cardinals. game one. and then college football, wow, oh, wow, florida state against clemson. florida state was up 17-0 in the first 12 minutes of the game. this is the first time since the '90s that florida looks like a legit national championship team. and an upset for college
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football. a 41 yard field goal by a senior kicker, and unranked old mistakes down auburn. and then taking down texas a&m, and auburn's defense was all over them, and this year they are off to a 6-1 start. number 9 ucla also went down yesterday. stanford's wide receiver, cody witfield, look at this, and 24-10, stanford comes up with the win. nine 25 top teams were upset yesterday. number 20, washington lost, and number 22 florida lost, and you have five top ten teams losing
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and nine top 25 teams, wow. >> for those of us without a dog in the fight it's fun for us to see the under dogs win. florida officials are relieved to have two fugitives back in custody. but they still can't explain how the convicted killers got out in the first place. a little hero helps to save a life, and you will find out how he did it next. is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. ♪ did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups.
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bottom of the hour now, good morning, everybody. i am ana cabrera. >> i am victor blackwell. first up, the developing story overnight, two inmates that escaped from a florida prison were arrested last night. they were found at a motel in
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panama city, florida. family members deny helping them escape. authorities released them based on forged documents. and authorities in belgium are investigating the cause of a plane crash that left ten skydivers and the pilot dead. it crashed minutes after takeoff and the cause still under investigation. two public transit workers dead after they were hit by an out of service train in san francisco. the bay area rapid transit unit also known as b.a.r.t. was on strike. the train that killed them was being run by a computer at the time. number four, an eighth suspect now charged in the clash between the swarm of motorcyclist and an suv driver in new york. the 27-year-old douglas faces gang assault and other charges and he has not yet enter add
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plea. the suv driver was chased down and beaten after he hit several bikers and that conflict caught on a biker's helmet cam. half a million people signed up for obama care and that's according to administration officials and despite the technical problems, a little more than half of all applicants signed up using the internet. it does not mean those 500 or so are enrolled in the program. florida authorities say they are happy to have the two convicted killers back in custody. i am sure everybody in those famili families affected are happy as well. and nobody is letting the law enforcement officials off the hook until they plan to explain how they make sure this never happens again. >> two convicted killers expected in a courthouse this morning. >> i called my children, and i
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told them, they got them. >> for crystal pew, it's the end of an emotionalordeal. one of them killed her husband. they were arrested at this motel in panama city in the florida panhandle not far from the prison where they escaped. >> for the past two days they were tracking them here in panama city, and today we got information that they were here at the coconut drove motor in. >> police were able to surround the area and move in and the men gave up without incident. >> we made an announcement that they were surrounded and both game out and surrendered to us. >> the convicted killers walked out of prison on forged document, and although they are back in custody there are still a lot of questions about how
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they got out. just in 30 minutes, we will take you to the courthouse in florida where the inmates have a scheduled appearance this morning. a 10-year-old boy is being honored for his bravery. he called 911 when his uncle was having a seizure. >> my uncle, he is knocked out, he is on the floor, and i don't think he is conscious. >> that phone call helped to save the life of his uncle and was baby sitting at the time. authorities in missouri surprised him yesterday with this award. they say the fourth grader stayed calm and was able to give his address and his mom's phone number. >> i went to go and call 911 and the operator walked me through everything until everybody got there. >> he said he was ready for that moment because his mom taught him what to do. >> yesterday we had a conversation about memory in the digital age and being able to remember your mother's phone
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number because it's in the cell, and fortunately, he knew and a well-deserved award. still to come on "new day" -- for get spain, we have flying tomatoes here and the running of the bulls right in georgia. we will tell you what these 3,000 daredevils were up to. and my interview with jim carrey, and he is out with his first, believe it or not, children's book. ♪ mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve
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♪ good morning, boston. a live look as the sun just creeps up in beantown this morning. looks like it's going to be a glorious fall day there, 62 degrees and sunny, and the fans in boston still celebrating that red sox win. the rush of a lifetime for some of these 3,000 brave men and women, but, no, this is not the fame russ running of the bulls in spain, this happened this weekend just a few miles south of atlanta. looks like a few people lost their footing but no seriare se injuries reported.
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as the music roars these participants pelted each other with tomatoes. i feel bad for the person that has to do the cleanup there. let's look at what is coming up in your new week. >> that is on my bucket list, throwing tomatoes at friends. let's get you up to speed. monday, new jersey, same-sex couples can legally wed according to the new jersey supreme court. the state is unlikely to succeed in an upcoming appeal in january. next day, tuesday, the second mayoral debate, and the first time they met it was a bit testy, of course they are trying to replace bloomberg. if you need a new ipad, tuesday could be your day, because there are rumors apple will unveil the latest version of the ipad. look out for that. and president obama will welcome
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pakistan's prime minister to the white house, and thursday, the one year anniversary of super storm sand y, and it made landfall in jamaica. and then a chilling documentary about capturing orkas. a lot coming up. stay wuith us. we'll be back. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth!
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make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.
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16 minutes until the top of the hour now. lance armstrong was one of the most inspiring athletes of the world, but his fall from grace tarnished his legacy. a new book talks about how he got away with doping for so long and who helped him. >> is there a lesson to be learned from this? >> yeah, i think -- we think one of the morals of the story is yes, cycling was a mess and armstrong was a master of it and others were doping and cheating, but when you win at a rigged game you will pay the steepest price at the end. >> how much did he lose? >> estimated at $25 million a year.
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>> he lost 75 million in endorsements in late october. >> $75 million? >> that's his estimate. >> there was always this belief that -- which i think from whatever it was in the book that he promoted that his heart was bigger or his ability to process oxygen, and there were all these stories about how he was an incredible freak of nature and that's how he could do all the things. >> he is certainly a great athlete, but you look at his measurements, that's actual normal for the high-level athletes in the tour de-fran fr. he was not a freak that could win without drugs more than anybody else, and he was good, and now we know about the doping
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program. watch the world according to lance armstrong at 10:00 p.m. eastern. it's time to think pink. october is breast cancer awareness month and tends of thousands are participating in the walks for research, and like many of us you probably know somebody that has been affected by the disease. what you put into your body may fight recurrence. here to discuss the link between nutrition and breast cancer, our nutritional specialist. as we said, a lot of people can benefit from the information today. let's talk a little bit about why knnutrition is so important especially somebody recovering from breast cancer treatment. >> i deal with this every day, and patients ask me what can i do to prevent this from ever
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coming back, so fruits and vegetables, the same thing over and over and it's very important, and it's not only important for cancer but heart and diabetes. most importantly, it's the colors, red, yellow, and watch the portion sizes. >> the bright colors means extra anti-oxidants? >> extra vitamins and minerals. and each color has a different mineral. >> are there foods that can prevent cancer in the first place? >> there are. you hear about the leafy greens and whole grains. it's not just about vitamins and minerals, and lean proteins are good as well. we talk about there is not a magic pill. you want to get your color, and you look here and that's what you want to provide in your diet. >> you are talking about foods that we all know are healthy for
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us, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and we have been taught to eat these foods, but it sounds like there is more to it that can help you fight disease in many different ways. how about a person's weight? how does that impact your chance of getting cancer? >> if you have cancer, you not want to gain wait, you want to prevent the extra pounds, it increases your hormone and inflammation. that's where the fruits and vegetables are low calorie and help with the weight loss. >> there has been debate about soy and whether soy is good or bad for you when it comes to cancer. what is your take? >> that's a controversial subject, and right now i think it's a whole soy food, so you don't want to do a soy protein or powder, but you get the tofu, and soybeans, and that's good to adding that to your diet.
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>> it's good for protein? >> yes. >> but moderation. >> yes, that's the trick. you can learn more about the trick between nutrition and cancer by visiting, and a lot more information for you. victor, back to you. >> thanks. five heart attacks, open heart surgery, a heart transplant, and former price president dick cheney's health problems are well known, but he is sharing new private details from sanjay gupta including a secret resignation letter he wrote to bush. >> i resigned the vice president see affective march 28th, 2001. >> so there was a letter of resignation pending. how did president bush react? >> he was surprised but thought it was a good idea. >> can you see more of that interview coming up at 7:30
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eastern. still to come, the one and only jim carrey with our one and only ana cabrera. he is not saying a whole lot about the sequel to the comedy classic "dumb and dumber." >> can you give us a teaser? >> how is that, right there? >> not too many details there. but he is full of laughs and giving details about his first children's book. also, shining a spotlight on the top ten cnn heroes of 2013. this week's honorary deals with safe childbirth. >> there's a traditional african saying when you become pregnant you have one foot in the grave. there are so many women dying in
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childbirth in many communities, and pregnancy is feared. >> last week four women died with pregnancy complications. >> we didn't even have adequate light to treat them. >> welcome. >> and a lot of the clinics don't have any electricity. mid wives use lanterns or candles or cell phones to deliver babies. once eyewitnessed the things i saw i had to do something about it. >> i am helping to provide a simple and reliable solar lighting and power source so mothers and babies can be saved during childbirth. hospitals and clinics receive the suitcase for free. it provides medical quality lighting and charges cell phones and has a small battery charger
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for head lamps and for the fetal doppler we include. it's just shifted them around. >> this light will bring good changes. it keeps me going. >> i really want a world where women and their families get to celebrate birth, and i would love to be part of making that happen. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow.
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cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial.
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welcome back. five minutes to the top of the hour now. you had fun yesterday after our morning show, and you got to sit down and talk with jim carrey. >> yeah, a lot of laughs and a man of many faces. he is here to film the sequel to "dumb and dumber." and he has a book that targets 4 to 8-year-olds, and he spoke to
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what he added to his resume, and i tried to get gossip out of him about "dumb and dumber 2." >> he still knows about how to entertain an audience. but his finance-base drinks juice boxes and sits on the carpet. >> every time i turn a page i want you guys to go, whoosh. >> i am drunk with my own self importance, really, truly, and there is nothing i can't do, it's amazing. >> all kidding aside. he hopes to better understand his purpose in life, the character in his book. >> when he gets deep he is struck by the notion he is not just a wave, but a whole big
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ocean. it's the feeling of the ultimate fear when it actually happens, it's not bad and you go into a different phase and a different kind of feeling and awareness. >> our cameras caught up with jim carrey at a book signing in atlanta, but he has been seen around town for other reasons. >> austria, well, then, good day, mate. >> he and his co-star are back. >> what do you see when you think of that picture? >> i am amazed at the wonders of ink printers. it's right there for us, anytime we want it. friends getting together again for me. >> yeah? >> absolutely. >> can you give us a taste of what we can expect in your movie? >> no, i can't. how is that, right there? >> jim carrey, taking on a new
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chapter in his life and making plenty of laughs along the way. >> you know, i was taken by how gracious he was. he had an impressive career and dabbled in so many different things and yet he made the time for all of these kids. >> high energy, and so i am sure he was popular with the kids. >> they loved him. >> we will talk about him later about the "snl" controversy? >> yeah, we addressed that and we will bring that to you shortly. must see moment now, and it may make you a little nervous if you are afraid of heights. >> a record-stepping tightrope walker doing a little tap dance. this is happening in china, the rope going between two sections of the great wall, and the man
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in red is known in china as the prince of tightrope walking. he is there in blue, and his apprentice, also the cousin. >> this runs in the family, i guess. you can see him hanging from the rope by his feet, and he will let go at some point. they did do other tricks like walking blindfolded. i guess it's a rush. >> do you have a fear of heights? >> on a hope, yeah, but just a general fear, no. >> we do appreciate you being here with us. >> we hope you did not get nauseous from watching the video. the next hour of "new day" starts right now. good morning to you. we appreciate you staying with us. i an ana cabrera. >> i am victor blackwell. this is "new day sunday," and we are starting in florida where a
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manhunt ended about 80 miles from where it all started. two escaped inmates were arrested. authorities wish the story would end there, but it will not. with everybody wondering how they were able to escape with nothing more than forged paperwork, there are more questions. and we have nick valencia outside the court where they will be appearing. >> reporter: it went down successfully for all the agencies involved. the suspects were brought here, and let's get back to the arrest. it happened at 6:20 in the florida department of law enforcement and they received a tip that put the two suspects in the panama city area as early as friday and they conducted surveillance and talked to a few people around there and they realized and were confident enough the two suspects were in
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the hotel, and they made an announcement over the pa system, and then they were able to move in without incident. >> so nick, curious about who was involved? there had to be somebody else involved that helped the inmates get the paperwork. how confident are police their families were not the ones that helped them get out? >> reporter: that's part of the investigation, who helped them use the forged documents. and yesterday there was a press conference held by the suspects' families, and we heard from the mother of charles walker saying they went to church together and went out and they were in public, and the father-figure of jenkins, there was a report that charles walker was spotted at an
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orlando mall, so authorities have not told us that they believe the families had anything to do with their escape. ana. >> nick valencia, we will have more on this coming throughout the show, thank you. and jpmorgan agreed to pay $13 billion, they tentatively agreed to the settlement in the civil suit to the justice department, and once finished it will be the biggest settlement in the crisis. another part of the deal, jpmorgan could still face criminal prosecution. a mother and father have been searching for their teenage son for two weeks. he has autism and cannot communicate verbally. he was last seen running out of his school in new york, and ever since volunteers and police
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officers have been hunting for any sign of him. his mother believes somebody is holding him and he is alive. police in greece are trying to find the family of this 4-year-old girl that you just saw there. she was found thursday in a gypsy community with two adults that claimed to be her parents but a dna test said the girl is not related to that couple. the two adults have been arrested on suspicions of abducting a minor. according to local news, the woman has 10 woman registered to her, and the man has four. this morning the first numbers on obama care signups are in, and cnn's chris lawrence is in washington this morning. despite the website glitches we know hundreds of thousands of people have made it through on
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the online application process. >> yeah, these are the first national numbers we are seeing in terms of how affective obama care is at its rollout. what we are hearing is 500,000 -- almost half a million people right now have signed up and gone through this process, filled out applications for obama care coverage despite the glitches, and there have been plenty of the glitches. the ap is putting the number right at about 496,000, and again administration officials are telling cnn, look, these glitches are not acceptable. they are trying to improve it, and president obama says this is something we should have expected. >> i am the first to acknowledge the website that was supposed to do it in a seamless way have had way more glitches than i think are acceptable. >> that includes users unable to
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get a log in or password, running into glitches beyond that, and that's where a lot of people are really hammering the administration saying this is just the first step, and this is just trying to get a password to get into the system, and if people are having that kind of trouble at that point, what is going to happen as they move through the process as they put in more personal information. >> we are seeing the numbers there, half a million people now signed up are not officially enrolled just yet, and the process has to complete itself. still the number pretty impressive, some would say, and do you think the figures will help the administration, as they try to defend the health care law? >> it's going to be something that they are going to tout, and they are going to say we just rolled it out and there are glitches, and you know we are moving forward, so to speak, and others will point to it and say, yeah, about a half million people have enrolled and that doesn't mean they will be
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accepted. you need 7 million people to sign up and be accepted in the first six months and how close are you to that? adding fuel to the fire is kathleen sebelius is not going to testify at this obama care hearing and that has a lot of critics riled up. they are calling for her resignation, comparing her to a ceo saying if a business had a disastrous roll out like this, the ceo would definitely be fired. >> still a lot of questions and a long ways to go. and chris lawrence in washington this morning, thank you. >> yep. the senator who is on a mission to kill the president's health care law made a triumphant return to texas this weekend. and dana bash is traveling with senator ted cruz in san antonio. >> reporter: in washington senator ted cruz may be one of the most reviled characters in politics but here in his home state of texas he is revered and
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got a standing ovation from a roomful of 800 texas republican women saying he did exactly what they wanted him to, standing up for principle. he said in an interview he is doing the right thing and it's the republicans in the senate he had the strongest words for. >> somebody said it was like an intervention, and so many colleagues were saying why are you doing this, and really they were angry at you. i am wondering on a human level, they told me that you didn't flinch. on a human level that has to be bothering you, and to have fellow republicans so angry at you? >> not remotely. >> why? >> because the people i work for are the men and women you just saw, i work for 26 million texans, and that's my job to work for them, and i don't work for the party bosses in washington, i work for the
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people of texas, and far too many people get elected and they think they are there to be part of the club. you know what was very interesting about some of the closed door discussions, what i said in those discussions i would have said the exact same thing if cnn's camera was sitting in the room. >> he talked about the inside story of the fight that he led to de-fund obama care which ended up shutting the government down, but he also talked about the future, saying he will not let up on this despite the opposition from fellow republicans. how does the gop recover from the shutdown fiasco? coming up, interviews with ted cruz and john mccain on "state of the union." and then endorsing a long
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time friend, clinton blasted the republicans saying it's time to get common sense back into governing. the top of the story, escaped murderers in court this morning. we will talk to the chief inspector for the united states marshal's service to get answers. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey lady! noooo! no! [ tires screech ]
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and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management. you keep the peace. we calm your congestion and pain. [ man ] thank you. thank you. [ female announcer ] you rally the team. you guys were awesome.
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[ female announcer ] we give you relief from your cough. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold® helps relieve even your worst cold and flu symptoms, so you can carry on with your day. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®. welcome back. the escape of two inmates from a florida prison was terrifying for two reasons, not only were there two convicted killers on the loose, but a lot of people were asking could more escape with the same trick, using forged paperwork? >> and a chief inspector here to tell us with the u.s. marshal service, as well as legal analyst, danny sawloious. >> what is to stop other prison inmates from trying to the same
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stunt? >> well, this is the first time, speaking with the chief inspector with the u.s. marshal's service, this is the first time we have heard of such an elaborate scheme where we had two criminals serving time for homicides that basically did not escape as an over the wall escape, but through a scheme like this. so as far as what would stop people from doing this? i think now the prosecutors and the judicial system, law enforcement, we're all aware of this, and this is probably the first time it has occurred in our country, and i think we will be more atune to this to prevent it from happening again and implementing measures to implement any court documents like this from going through. >> i want to come to you with a term that we just heard from frank. elaborate. it seems like a simple plan. it's like grabbing a get out of
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free card, and you write something up and say i can go, and they say, yeah, you can go. is it elaborate? how many people can do it in prison? >> it's elaborate in that it has to be approved by a number of different people. legal documents vary from county to county, and the important thing to realize is that courts had made great strides, great advancements in what we call e-filing, which means gone are the days where you physically have to come in and file a document, and court orders just not too long ago had the stamp with red ink and you knew when something was an original, and now there are many jurisdictions where the original is exactly the same as a pdf off your computer. although it's a tremendous benefit and convenience and advancement, the other side of the coin is that it opens up the possibility that somebody with a
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mac book and a pdf program, and i found judge perry's signature in four clicks, and we used it on air. >> what kind of checks and balances are in place to try and stop something like this? >> i am not the expect to answer that question as part of a member of the u.s. marshal's service, our responsibility is locating and capturing fugitives and bringing them back to justice. this system that is in place here in florida is something that more of the state's officials can answer to that. here in florida, this is the first time i have heard of it. i have been in law enforcement for over 30 years and it's the first time i ever heard of prisoners escaping from their custody by a measure such as this. >> so these guys were sentenced to life in prison for the deaths
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they were responsible for, and any extra punishment? >> well, escape is a separate crime in almost every jurisdiction. it's a very serious one and often we're lucky in this case, people are injured during an escape, but this was a very non-violent escape. the question is, is it defensible? could they argue i didn't know any better, i just got released? i think it's suspect, because they acted aware, and they were released right around the same time. sounds like it may be part of a racket, however, escape is a crime. >> did they have a benefit to sharing how they did it with authorities? would they be able to work a deal here? >> you sound like a lot of
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defendant's and clients, and i think it's more often seen in movies. the reality is the government is going to find out exactly how they did this and they are going to close the loophole, and frankly they are not interested in any kind of deal with these guys to prevent future instances. they are going to figure out where they went wrong. they won't need any help from these guys, but they have brought light to a glaring loophole in the system. >> all right, danny, and frank with the u.s. marshal's service, thank you both for joining us. the election was on wednesday, and now mr. booker is going to washington. >> indeed he is. cory booker with all of his star power headed to washington, d.c., and even he says he has a lot to learn, and at least one person he needs to keep his charisma in check.
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yes. rates for us and them -- now that's progressive. call or click today. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis.
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welcome back. 20 minutes after the hour now. a new senator is heading from jersey to the nation's capital. >> the new york major cory booker won a special election to fill new jersey's open senate seat. he is the state's first black senator and the first african-american elected to the senate since barack obama. >> cnn's alexander field is in new york this morning. had a nearly 10-point advantage go into election day, and has a lot of momentum heading into washington, d.c.? >> yeah, considered a rising star in the democratic party, but any washington watcher will tell you when it comes to executives, majors, celebrity types going to the senate they have to recalibrate their approach, in other words, expect an adjustment period.
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>> i am going to go down there and be the best me possible. >> so far that has worked for senator-elect cory booker. he has never had trouble drawing a crowd, which is why the new jersey democrat may get a very warm welcome when he goes to washington. rutgers university political science professor, ross baker. >> i think he's a great asset to the democrats and will be a great fund-raiser. >> booker, the mayor of newark is so widely known he has a twitter following of 1.4 million people, and marketing experts say he has a powerful and recognizable brand. >> i think he will be the biggest brand to hit washington since hilary. >> but he insists his time in washington won't be about building a bigger name for himself. >> i will go to work and put my head down and study, study, study, and learn, learn, learn, and be back to serve as people
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like i have been doing as mayor. >> if the mayor wants to succeed as a senator he can prove that he can work with others. >> people will expect him to exude that incredible charisma he has, but he will be well advised to keep it in check. >> it could proof tough considering the background noise, and some are saying he is a pick for a vice presidential run in 2016. >> i have always heard that i might be a choice for the giants right now, and we're having a tough time this season, so maybe i might be called in. >> he may not be able to deflect that question for long. booker is stepping into a former senate seat, and there is 15 months left in the term, so he doesn't have a lot of time left in washington, and the suggestion is he spends time in new jersey that he is interested in people across the state and
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not in newark. >> don't put the campaign signs away, he has to run again next year. thank you. it's not winter yet, but depending upon where you live, it might feel like it. we will let you know if you need to bundle up. let's check in with sanjay gupta. >> one of the things that might get your attention is the new study that says you may be addicted to oreo cookies. we will talk about a study and what a is happening in the brain. that's at the bottom of the hour. is this the bacon and cheese diet?
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seeing the first snowfall of the season. >> let's bring in karen from the cnn weather center. ear muffs, where did they go? >> did they go out of style? >> yes. >> i didn't know that. i guess i have been unchic for a long time. temperatures cold especially the start of the workweek. temperatures running 15 to 20 degrees colder than they should be this time of year. chicago, 61. your temperature right now in chicago in the 40s, so when you wake up and you go through the afternoon monday and tuesday, that's just about what it's going to feel like for the whole day. only in the 40s. that's way below where it should be this time of year. a dip in the jet stream means that cold air is going to dip further towards the south, so we keep chipping away of who has the mild temperatures. no, not anymore. looks like the midwest, and you are thoroughly stuck with the readings that are way below
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normal. and minneapolis, 34 degrees. and we saw michigans at 26 degrees, so for this afternoon, grant forks, a little snow. 1 to 4 inches possible in the midwest. >> thank you. "saturday night live" may be where comedy legends are born, not everybody laughing. >> yeah, next hour, debra wilson joins us to talk about the controversy. more than a dozen members of this cast, but not one black female on the show. >> and thompson came out with the controversial statement that perhaps black comedians are to blame themselves. lots to talk about on that issue. we will see you back at the top of the hour, 8:00 eastern for another hour of "new day sunday." first, glitches continue to plaguehe obama care signup process, and "sanjay gupta,
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m.d." starts right now. hi, there, and thanks for joining us. good medicine or tmi. and a new study shows oreos are addicting. and dick cheney opens up on his heart. first, obama care, you know even the president has been frustrated by this. he says some of the problems on the signup website are unacceptable. the federal government says techs are working around the clock to fix it but elizabeth cohen who is on the story says it's not good enough. >> i put in my user name and password and it didn't recognize it. >> error messages and page not
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found and system down. it has been a tough three weeks for obama care. there were error messages, or that twirling thing -- i hate it. i have been trying since day one to get an account and i failed again and again -- >> wouldn't log me in. >> and again. >> it's not working. when i called the 1-800 number for help, reps tell me the volume is high and to try off peak hours, and i tried at 10:00 at night and 7:00 in the morning and still didn't work. so finally i set my alarm clock for 3:00 a.m. on sunday morning, but the system was down for maintenance. >> here with me now is my friend and senior legal correspondent.
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did you get through? >> yeah, on day 14 -- >> day 14? >> day 14, i managed -- my log in and password never worked, but i had to create a new account, and i had to create a new account many times to succeed at that. >> and a lot of people probably gave up? >> yeah, i had to play the game, and i tried to create a new account and that didn't work, and it really was persistence in figuring things out. >> this is a federal site, is that right? >> right. >> that's what we have been talking about is the federal site, if people are watching and still having problems with this, what
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would you tell them? >> i would tell them if they are trying to log in and it's not working, they need to call the 1-800 number, and say i have been trying and trying and trying, do i need to create a new account? ask those questions. that could really help. if they said if i tried at odd hours, and i tried at 10:00 at night and 7:00 in the morning, and -- >> did you call that number? >> i did. and they answer almost instantly. >> you would think that would be the backlog, the number of humans answering the phone, but they have that -- >> yeah, it's the technology and not the people. threufplt is a me >> there's a message here about technology. most people have a strong opinion about dick cheney, and what you think of him, you would be surprised he had five heart attacks, open heart sergeant
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reand a heart transplant at age 71. he has a book, and he took a very unprecedented action after taking the oath of vice president. >> basically what i did is resigned the vice president see. >> he drew up a letter of resignation to give to the president. >> it says in accordance of section 20 of title 3 of the united states code, i richard cheney here by resign the office of the vice president of the united states. >> how did president bush react when you told him this? >> he was surprised but thought it was a good idea. >> you can see my full interview
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with dick cheney on sunday night on "60 minutes." genetic testing. what is out there, and what can put your mind to rest? whoa, whoa. hold on. (under his breath) here it comes... we can't forget about your older sister! thank you, thank you, thank you! seriously? what? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. can i come? yep. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment and dining out, with no annual fee. to apply, go to it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet
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for prospective parents out there the fear of passing on a genetic disease can lead to a dilemma, but there are genetic tests you can undergo, and now some are pushing to make it standard practice. the goals appearing to the typical american family, but look closer. 5-year-old eden cannot pock or even talk. she has a progressive disorder, ml4. it's a rare genetic disorder from people of mid eastern
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dissent. she will not live beyond early adulthood. there is no treat the or cure, but it's preventible, so how did this happen? they knew 1 in 4 are carriers. which is why they were screened before they got married, or so they thought. >> my daughter screened me for two disease and her daughter screened her for the same two diseases and six others, but we were not screened for ml4. >> when both parents are carrier for the disease, they have a 25% chance of passing it on to their child, but the problem is there
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is no standardized screening so they turned their fate into a mission. >> so instead of asking why us, we decided to make sure that the tragedy of eden's story doesn't happen to another family. >> their work has grown into a new web-based education and screening program for 19 genetic diseases that are more common. it's allowing visitors to request an at-screen kit and a genetic counselor gives the results. and last year eden had another sister who is perfectly happy. >> i think she helped see the world in a different way that we lost sight of once eden was
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diagnosed. >> eden will help many children she will never meet. >> eden is here to save peoples' lives, and she does that every day. and if that's what she is here to do, there is no more noble a life than that. >> i love you. >> oh, my goodness. what was that? >> for these parents it seems to make sense but is that testing something everybody should be doing? thanks for joining us. i think most people when they think of genetic testing they think after the baby is born, they are testing for about 30 different diseases, but what we are talking about here is before they get pregnant, right? >> correct. >> and they should be getting tested for certain diseases at that point, you are saying? >> well, i guess should is a word i am not sure i would use, but i think they should be
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offered the possibility to do carrier testing, to know their risks, if that's what they opt for. >> so you are trying to figure out what their chances are of having a child that may have these diseases. how reliable are the tests? >> reliable, greater than 98% reliable. >> if they get the test and it shows they both carry a gene for this, what do you say to the parents? >> well, you inform them of what the risks are and what are some of the options they might have in order to have a healthy which i will. >> we talked about people of their jewish dissent in this piece, but are there other groups that are more likely to have things come up? >> i think every group should consider being informed about what they are at high risk for. >> and some are probably at
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higher risk, and that would come out in a conversation with a genetic counselor. >> if some come back and say they carry the gene, but they want to see their options? >> well, some of the options, they can use a sperm donor, or an egg donor, or they could do in vitro fertilization, where we actually find out if the embryo is affected, they could adopt. there's a lot of options open to people. >> all right, thank you so much for joining us. good information. appreciate it. from nature to knew khnatur nurture, addicted to oreos? you could be? that's next. due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat,
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. you keep the peace. we calm your congestion and pain. [ man ] thank you. thank you. [ female announcer ] you rally the team. you guys were awesome. [ female announcer ] we give you relief from your cough. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold® helps relieve even your worst cold and flu symptoms, so you can carry on with your day. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol cold®.
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oh, my best friend and an oreo cookie. she loves the krucrunchy chocol, and i like the middle. >> do you remember that old oreo commercial? believe it or not, milk's favorite cookie turned 100 last year, and researchers at connecticut college said the oreo is just as addictive as cocaine, at least in lab rats. i want to point out the pictures of the lab rats with oreos are
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cute, but they could have used any high fat or high-sugar food, and this caught their attention. and our go-to guy when it comes to eating addictions, what did you think of the study? >> well, i thought it was providing good evidence. >> i want to talk specifically about that, but first of all, these were rats. what about in humans? you have done research in that particular area. >> yeah, and a lot of other people administered food in the brain scanners and palable foods activate the reward centers the same way drugs of abuse, and the rats have -- there's a very parallel set of findings coming out on rat literature that we see with humans as well.
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>> people think drugs of abuse, and cocaine is the drug in the study, and cocaine is very addictive, and now we are drawing a comparison between that and sugar, and let me start by asking, how do you define addiction? what does that mean from your perspective? >> addiction really is composed of two concepts. the idea of abuse, and so people that use cocaine lose their jobs or become, you know, rejected from their family because of the problems, and those are negative consequences from the over eating is you develop problems from over eating, but dependance when you get your body having cocaine or palatable food onboard, it creates a sense of tolerance, so you have to escalate the amount to get the same affect, and the same thing
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happens, the more you eat oreos, you have to escalate your intake -- >> because if you eat some you will crave some and then eat more than ever? it sounds law cyclical. >> yeah, one is that we get a blunted response, which is akin to tolerance with drug abuse, escalating the amount of cocaine you have to do to get high, you would similarly have to escalate the amount of oreos you eat to feel the same degree of pleasure, and then you become hypervigilant to cues. when you see the cues, you crave the food or drugs. that's what maintains the behavior. >> the brain has one pleasure center, one pleasure area, and does it discriminate between different types of pleasure.
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can we put them on the same ground, sugar and you noi know this does really extend out of france very nicely the fact that rats would want sweet tastes just as much as they would for he could taken. the whole field was incredulous about this initially. but the new data line right up with that. >> i saw the study with rats. you push a lever just as much with the sugar as cocaine. let me ask you something. people heard about the numbers regarding the obesity epidemic. 35% of americans are not just overweight but obese. when we release these kinds of studies, is this saying addiction is in some way an excuse? people who are obese, is this more because of the addiction? how much of this is will power versus what is happening in the brain? >> well, there's two components to that. there is certainly our ability
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to operate executive control and make choices of pursuing goals like employment and long term relationship over drugs of abuse, overeating is very essential. but very new research is finding that there are individual differences in how quickly we learn to associate cues with reward from food or drugs. people who rapidly learn these cues for reward, they're the ones that get sucked into the habit much more than other people. so there are genetic differences that have an influence on this. so will power, putting it very concisely, some people don't have to bring much will power to the table whereas other people have to bring a great deal. >> thank you. shed some interesting insights on that. appreciate it. a check of your top stories minutes away. still ahead, dugy houser md versus sanjay gupta md.
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>> more than a few laughs with andy cohen. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question
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you may remember nancy. she was reeling from a recent divorce, finding it hard to do anything to keep healthy for herself. she recently completed a half
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iron man race in augusta, georgia. unbelievable. three of our other alumni, they did a relay in that race. i remember two of them did their first triathalon a few weeks ago in malibu. the key here is that all of them started small, one step at a time, and they transformed themselves from couch potatoes into try athletes. and you can do this as well. i'm excited to announce that we are accepting submissions for our 2014 fit nation challenge team. log on to to learn much more and join us. one of the things i've come to love about the triathalons is the sport of cycling. it can be intimidating when you start, but it doesn't have to be. for somebody who may be in their, you know, late 40s, late 50s who wants to get back into cycling again, doctor, what would be the thing that you sort of tell them to be mindful of?
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>> i think the first thing is be mindful of your current injuries. make sure those are addressed and make sure you have some basic core stability, good range of motion. and then go to a proper bike shop. get fitted for a bike. >> you know there are cars passing by us. the interaction of bikes and traffic, first of all, we're going with traffic which is how you should ride, right? >> yes. >> what else? >> bikers need to be alert. we're totally unprotected. running red lights is not a good idea. stop at a stop sign. as you're riding, you want to be watching the cars. you want to try to get a feeling are they going to turn? are they indicating? watch for doors opening. it's a great sport. you see some beautiful things you never noticed in your car and getting exercise as well. >> you notice the hills more. >> yes, you notice the hills. you definitely notice the hills more. >> do you stretch after every ride? >> i do like to stretch after i
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ride. tilt the pelvis. you feel a stretch. put your leg up. do a hamstring stretch. do the other side. >> got it. you're spending just a few minutes. >> a few minutes afterwards. stretch out your back and legs. that's one i do a lot. >> you feel that. >> i definitely feel that. awesome. >> and you do feel those hills for a long time afterwards as well. it's really good exercise. before we go, i have to have a little late night fun with bravo's andy cohen. take a look. >> guess what? it's game time. fictional tv character sanjay gupta got in medical school when he was just 16. wow. in honor of that, we're going to play doogy or gupta. you tell me if it is dugy houser or san dray gupta. >> he used to operate on a man with a gunshot to the head. >> gupta.
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>> no. >> wow! >> we did have some fun that night. that's going to wrap things up tonight. "new day sunday" continues right now. >> i called my children. i said they got them. >> the nationwide manhunt is over and these two convicted killers are back behind bars. >> took about a minute or two. both of the fugitives came out and surrendered. >> the question this morning, how did they manage to pull off their escape and could it happen again? >> his critics call him a laughingstock. his supporters say he's a saint. i don't work. >> forethe party bosses in decision, i work for the people of texas and fit for them. >> senator ted cruz sits down with cnn for an exclusive interview and talks about his fights and his future in
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washington. >> and atheists demand an apology. oprah winfrey opens up against others. what has her so upset. >> hello, it's 8:00 on the east coast, 5:00 in the west. this is new day sunday. let's start in florida. two escaped inmates are back in jail this morning. the convicted killers were caught just 80 miles from the prison. they escaped using a forged paperwork. the capture is, of course, welcomed news. but this will not end the questions about how they got out in the first place. >> cnn's nick valencia is outside the bay county jail in panama city where the inmates are right now. nick, how did police catch up with these guys? >> the u.s. marshal service along with the florida department of law enforcement were able to work in tandem.
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they received a tip that put charles walker and joseph jenkins in panama city beach as early as friday. they conducted surveillance. they also did some interviews. they felt confident that those two were in the motel together. they announced over the pa for them to surrender. and they were arrested without incident. it is worth pointing out they were on the run sprektively since september 27th and october 8th. as far as what happens next, they have a court appearance this morning. and they'll eventually be turned over to the florida department of corrections and eventually go in front of an administrative board. but that's all we know at this point as far as their future. >> do authorities think they he got help from the outside? their families say they knew nothing about this. but what do authorities believe? >> we heard from the families yesterday. they reiterated. they re-emphasize they did not go out of their way to hide their family members. the two of them turned themselves in. but, of course, that is part of the investigation. who helped them?
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how did they get their hands on these forged documents? can this happen again? you know, has this happened before? we know that at least another case of a man that tried to use similar type of scheme to dupe the system, he was caught. jenkins and walker was able to get out. it is very embarrassing for all the agencies involved. still a lot of finger pointing. as you mentioned, so many questions unanswered this morning. victor? >> what about the victims' families in all of this? have you heard from them? >> absolutely. we talked to both victims' families and for a while there, for the last few days, they were terrified. just the thought of their -- you know, the killers of their family members on the loose. they didn't know if they would face retaliation or retribution. we spoke to the son of the victim of joseph jenkins yesterday. he was just very distraught, very emotional. he said he had to relive the nightmare that he witnessed when he was just 9 years old.
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>> all right. nick valencia in panama city, florida. thank you. the first numbers on obama care signups are in. >> cnn's chris lawrence is in washington this morning following this. chris, despite the website glitches we've been talking about for days now, hundreds of thousands of people have made it through the online application. so bring us up to speed on where things stand this morning. >> yeah. that's right. this is really the most complete picture we have of obama care's rollout. the new numbers. administration officials are now telling cnn that nearly a half a million people have filled out the applications for health care. and the information that they put in there will determine their eligibility. in other words, they're talking about they're giving information about their salary, who in their family might need health care. that determines if they ultimately get it. so that does not mean half a million people have actually enrolled. there are plenty of glitches. people have gone on there, couldn't create a log in. couldn't create a pass word once
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they get the pass word, they get an error message. our own elizabeth cohen took two weeks on the site just to get to the part where you start putting in the personal information. even president obama has called the rollout so far a disappointment. >> i am the first to acknowledge that website that was supposed to do this all in a seamless way has had way more glitches than i think are acceptable. >> now an administration official tells cnn they are improving the website. they say while these glitches are a problem, they said the underlying product, the actual insurance is productive and will be successful. critics on the other hand say these aren't glitches. these are fundamental problems in the software and if you're having this kind of problem with just getting people to get a pass word, imagine the problems once they start to move through the system and actually try to select which coverage they want.
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>> chris, what kind of role could the numbers play in the house this week? >> i think the obama administration will say, look, the interest is there. they're going to say, look, 19 million people have visited this site as of just a couple days ago. they're going to say a half million people have gone through the process even with the glitches. they're going to tout the fact that the glitches will disappear over time, that they may still be on track to hit that seven million enrolled by six months out. the critics are going to say, you know, look, they're already calling for the health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius to step aside. they want -- they basically want her out. they're saying if she was the ceo and a company had a rollout as disastrous as this, that ceo would be fired. there's going to be some hearings on capitol hill coming up in just a few days. secretary sebelius, due to a scheduling conflict is not going to be at that hearing. and that has a lot of the critics really riled up at this
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point. >> the battle over obama care continues. chris lawrence, thanks. you would never know he lost the fight to defund obama care. senator ted cruz, he's back ohoe in texas for what looks and sounds like a victory lap of sorts. just listen. [ applause ] >> standing ovation there. cruz spoke to a republican women's group in san antonio on saturday. he lashed out at fellow republican senators for failing to stand with him against obama care. unapologetic cruz sat down for an exclusive interview with cnn chief congressional couldn't dana bash. >> they told me that you really didn't flinch. on a human level, that has to bother you to be sitting in an institution like the senate and not have not the democrats, fellow republicans so angry at you. >> dana, not remotely. the people i work for are the women and men you just saw. i work for 26 million texans.
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that's my job to fight for them. i don't work for the party bosses in washington. i work for the people of texas and i fight for them. the reason people are frustrated all over the country is that far too many people get elected and they think they're there to be part of the club. you know what was very interesting about some of those closed door discussions, what i said in those closed door discussions, i would have said the exact same thing if cnn's camera was sitting in the room. >> well, you'll see more of dana's exclusive interview with senator ted cruz at 9:00 eastern on state of the union right here on cnn. it's right after this show. they'll be joined by senator john mccain and the topic, where does the gop go from here? well, halloween isn't even here yet and we're already talking about snow. october 19th -- >> 20th. >> yeah, man. where does time go? >> flying by. >> from the west up to the northeast though it is cold outsi
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outside. >> yes. >> trick or treating in snow boots, not fun. let's bring in our meteorologist in the cnn weather center. how cold is it going to get? >> enough to bring out the earmuffs that you don't like. >> i don't! i don't like them! >> all right. well we've got that dip in the jet stream. and these little clipper systems, that's how you know that you're in fall. we start seeing these little fast moving fronts that move across midwest and they cause that cold air to dive towards the south. well, it certainly has in minnesota, also in north dakota where they could see between two and four inches of snowfall. but for chicago, today you'll see temperatures in the 60s. that's just about normal for this time of year. coming up by monday, you'll only be in the upper 40s. and then by tuesday, you're only going to be in the low to mid 40s. so a big temperature drop. and for marquette, michigan, temperatures go from the 40s into the 30s. minneapolis, you'll pretty much stay in the 40s. you should be around 55, 56 degrees. so a big cooldown and
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temperatures even now only in the 30s and 40s. so chilly and it will stay that way over the next couple days anyway. back to you. >> wow. i walk out to my car between shows, you can see the steam coming out of my mouth already. >> that's when it's getting cold. two convicted killers are back in custody this morning. we'll analyze their disturbing escape. later, is there a lack of qualified women of color in comedy? a regular on saturday night live is making that claim. debra wilson joins us live with her reaction coming up. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing
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is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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the manhunt for two convicted killers released from a florida prison is over. >> authorities arrested them saturday night in a florida motel. >> prison officials believe these men played the system by forging documents including a fake signature from a judge, a prosecutor, that's how they got away. not for long. both men are expected in court this morning. joining us now is cnn's legal analyst and veteran florida criminal defense attorney mark o'mara. thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> so does it surprise you that both these men were still in florida and that's where they were found? >> you and i talked yesterday.
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i said most are caught quickly after escape. i'm surprised they stayed in floridame florida. and i'm surprised they were together. >> it's a short drive in that part of the state to -- across the state line to alabama. i was surprised when they were still in the state. now we talked a little while ago and he talked about the criminal charges as relating to the escape. but is there any additional punishment? they're already sentenced to life in prison. >> well, that's true. sort of immune from further punishment when you already spend the rest of your life. in florida, by the way, it's a life sentence. you never get out. you die in prison. but they will have state charges. there will be fraud charges and they can connect them with the people helping them on the outside. >> of course the big question all along in addition to where are these guys is who is to blame for letting these guys slip through the cracks and get away with something that seemed like such a simple plan?
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what do you think? who should we be pointing the fingers at? >> well, it has to be somebody on the inside. it just has to be. somebody at the clerk's office, somebody in the courthouse, maybe even somebody in a state attorney's office position, secretary maybe who can actually get that paperwork done. could be a layer, lawyer, certainly, who got into the system. when it got to doc, department of corrections, they wouldn't know any better. they certainly better know now. we almost might want to thank these guys because they're going to cause a complete revamp of the release system in florida. and i wish these thing was stop happening in florida. >> yeah. another florida story. listen, one big thing that really stood out to me about how cunning these guys were, they went back and registered as felons and then left again. they took that chance that someone would see them and capture them. talk about more. expand this conversation about the vulnerability this is exposes in the system. >> well, the system has been run
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on paper. it's been run on paper in a system where we know people can forge documents easily. they can counterfeit money easily literally on a home printer. i think what this outlined or opened up was the reality that we have a lot of tightening down to do in the system. if you can get one sheet of paper into the system and release somebody that should be there for life that, is a broken system. hopefully doc will learn from it, the clerk's office will learn from it and not just in florida but throughout the country. we know this is not the first and only time this happened. >> all right. mark o'mara, thank you for your time. of course, this story continue to ask questions until we get the answers. >> thanks, mark. newark mayor corey booker seems to have that it factor. he won this week's special election in washington to fill new jersey's open senate seat. and now he's headed to washington. let's go to alexandra steel in new york for a preview wlaf is next. >> he's a rising star in the democratic party. but we'll tell you who is saying he might want to keep some of that charisma in check as he
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heads to the senate. in new york, we'll have that story coming up on cnn "new day sunday." thrusters at 30%! i can't get her to warp. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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we have seen examples of the wrong kind of leadership. when politicians choose scorched earth over common ground, when they operate in what i call the evidence-free zone -- [ applause ] >> hillary clinton steps back into the political spotlight with a blistering critique for
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republicans. now clinton endorsed her friend terry mcauliffe for virginia governor at a rally in falls church yesterday. the former secretary of state appeared energized. she looked rested after her eight months off the world stage. >> he is traveling now from new jersey to the nation's capital. >> corey booker won that special election this week to fill new jersey's open senate seat. he is now the state's first black senator. he's also the first african-american elected to the senate since barack obama. >> we're going to go out there and try to be the best me as possible. >> so far that worked for corey booker. he never had trunl drawing a crowd. >> all rise! >> which is why the new jersey democrat may get a very warm welcome when he goes to washington. rutgers university political science professor ross baker. >> i think he's great asset to the democrats. i think he will be a great fund-raiser.
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>> booker, the mayor of newark, is so widely known he has a twitter following of 1.4 million people. his campaign for the senate boasted big celebrity endorsements, marketing experts say he has a powerful and recognizable brand. >> in washington, he'll have star power. he'll be the biggest brand to hit washington since hillary. >> but if you ask the senator elect, he insists his time in washington won't be about building a bigger naum for himself. >> there's a lot i have to learn. i'm going to go to work and put my head down and study, study, study, learn, learn, learn, then be back in new jersey to directly serve people. >> back at rutgers, baker says if the mayor of newark wants to succeed as a senator, he has to prove he can work with others. >> he is going to be very visible. people expect him to exude that incredible charisma he has. he is well advised to keep it in check. >> sound advice for freshmen in washingtonst it could be prove considering the background noise.
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some b some pundits say he is a pick for a presidential run in 2016. right now he's quick to deflect that. >> look, i also heard i may be a choice for the giants right now. but we're having a tough time this season. so maybe i'll get called in. >> alexandra field joins us now. it looks like corey booker, senator elect booker will not be shying away from the spotlight. the state is appealing same sex marriages there in new jersey. but he is on the other side of that argument. >> right, victor. he is always a strong supporter of gay rights, same-sex marriages can legally be performed in new jersey in a matter of hours. the mayor says he plans to officiate some of the marriages even as the state's republican governor chris christie appeals a judge's ruling that will allow those marriages to go forward. victor? >> all right. cnn'sandra field, thank you. atheists are demanding an apology from oprah.
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hear what she said that has so many people upset. you're watching "new day sunday" on cnn. we're back in a moment. ♪ i'm glad you came l.
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so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals,
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so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today... and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. nthat's why they deserve... aer anbrake dance. make a my financial priorities appointment today. get 50% off new brake pads and shoes. bottom of the hour on this sunday. welcome back, everyone. >> it is a pleasure to have you with us. if you're in one of the cold spots, stay in a little while with us. here are five things you need to know.
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up first, two inmates who escaped from a florida prison were arrested last night. they're due in court this morning. joseph jenkins and charles walker were found at a motel in panama city, florida. family members deny helping them escape. authorities released them based on forged documents. >> a quick jail stint for the former mayor of san diego. he was booked yesterday morning and released a few hours later. more of a foremalt relamality t deal. he must serve three months of home confinement. >> an eighth suspect is charged in the clash between a swarm of motorcyclists an an suv driver in new york. you've seen the video. the 7-year-old faces gang assault and other charges. he's not entered a plea. the suv driver was chased down and beaten after he hit several bikers. this conflict was caught on a
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biker's helmet cam. >> number four, two public transit workers are dead after they were hit by an out of service train. this is near san francisco. the bay area rapid transit union is on strike, of course, but officials say one of the men who was killed opted to work anyway. the other victim was a contractor. the train that killed them was being run by a computer at the time. >> number five, you know when i was a kid i played the flute. i think it was $200. but $1.7 million? that will buy you a violin. it's not just any violin. it's believed to be the same violin that the titanic band leader, the titanic band leader played to calm passengers as the ship sank. william hartley didn't survive. he was pulled from the titanic later with the violin case strapped to his back. >> $1.7 million. >> for today's faces of faith,
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we're talking about oprah. some atheists are demanding ab an apology with her after her interswru diana nyad. >> she appeared on oprah's program to talk about, of course this, her historic swim from cuba to key west. when she described being an atheist, oprah challenged that. >> i can stand at the beach's edge with the most devout christian, jew, buddhist, go on down the line, and weep with the beauty of this universe and be moved by all of humanity. all the billions of people who lived before us who have loved and hurt and suffered, to me, my definition of god is humanity and is the love of humanity. and as we return to -- >> i don't call you an atheist then. i think if you believe in the awe and wonder and mystery that that is what god is. >> okay. >> that is what god is.
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god is not the guy in the sky. >> it's not bearded. but i guess there is an inference with god that there is a presence. there is either a creator or overseer. >> so oprah's response to diana nyad insulted atheists. one group started a campaign against oprah saying she's got it all wrong and they want her to invite an atheist on her show to set the record straight. >> joining us is the humanist chaplin at harvard university and also the author of "faith "faithiaeist." >> explain what oprah is getting wrong here. >> well, to me this incident underscores the fact there is a lot of misunderstanding about who atheists are and what we believe. you know, what i took away from this conversation between diana nyad and oprah winfrey is that
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oprah essentially erased diana nyad's identity. she said i know you identify as an atheist but i don't see that you way. my understanding of what an age sift this and you claim to be that. therefore, i don't see you as an atheist. so to me this really underscores the need for more dialogue and understanding about what our differences are. and what was beautiful about what diana nyad said, i think, is that she really emphasized the things that we have in common but also maintained her own position as an atheist and i just wish that oprah had respected her identity and understood better where she and many other atheists are coming from. >> chris, i want to read for you and for our viewers a tweet from diana nyad. she tweeted to oprah, the collective respect and awe of all living souls is my definition of god. so god is love in those terms. my question to follow up from that tweet is how do atheists
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with the belief that there is no overseer, there is no god reconcile that belief with all the beauty that diana nyad just talked about, the seas, the gems, the sunset? >> sure. well to me, there's no contradiction there. there's nothing to reconcile. as an atheist, i believe that there is no god. there is no overseer. but to me, that actually increases my awe and my wonder for the natural world. if it wasn't created but rather is here, i still find a lot of wonder in that. and i can look out at the natural world and be amazed by what exists. i don't need to connect that to the idea of a god or deity or any super natural force to drive-in conspiraciation from that and what i really appreciated about what diana nyad had to say is she really
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understood and articulated so well that we can get inspiration and awe from humanity, from the people around us and for me as an atheist and as a secular humanist, that is really where i derive my sense of awe and wonder from the most. in addition to the natural world and everything that's so spectacular about that. i find that when i see people of all different religious and nonreligious backgrounds come together and try to understand one another better, work together and buck our instincts to separate ourselves to remain s apart from one another, i find that to be awe inducing. i thought diana nyad articulated that so beautifully. >> what i think i'm hearing you say is there is a difference between religion and spiritu spirituali spirituality. are you saying an atheist can still be spiritual? >> well, diana nyad said that and other atheists say that as well. i personally wouldn't identify my receive as spiritual.
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i think the important take away from this conversation is that people identify in many different ways and our understanding of the world spirituality and religion are so different. i think it reflects the need for much more conversation about this. i mean we live today in the united states and perhaps the most religiously diverse society in the history of the planet. but religious literacy rates are incredibly low. we know very little about religion. we know even less about people who believe different things than we do. and when we don't know or understand very much about our differences and we're not in conversation with one another, fear and misnfction proliferate the dialogue around religion. i think what this emphasizes for me is the real need for people to meet and to get to know people who are different from them. as a queer person, i know this very well. in the last decade 14% of americans have gone from opposing same sex marriage to supporting it. and according to a study, the
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number one reason why they changed their minds is because they had a relationship with someone who is gay or lesbian. relationships are transformtive. only 2% of people who change their minds did so because they believe that gay and lesbian people are born that way. so education matters but really relationships are the key. so i think this, to me, underscores the real need for much more relationship building across lines of religious difference, particularly between those who do not believe in god and those who do so that we can come to better understanding. >> chris steadman from harvard. ow an atheist found common ground with the religious. we, of course, like to have the conversation. we appreciate you for being part of it. >> for more stories on faith, if you'd like to read chris' blog, check out our belief blog at ted cruz goes home to the heart of texas and gets a hero's welcome. he also sits down with an
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interview with cnn's "state of the union." we'll have a sneak peek straight ahead. ♪ beautiful day [ sneezes, coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. lease this cadillac ats for around $299 per month with premium care maintenance included.
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we have a busy week ahead. let's get you up to date on what is happening this week. we're going to start monday in new jersey. same sex couples are allowed to legally wed. the state is unlikely to succeed in an upcoming january appeal. up next -- i don't like this -- tuesday, nearby in new york city the second mayoral debate between republican joe loda and his democratic opponent. also on tuesday, there it is. if you need a new ipad, this might be your day. rumors are running wild that apple will unveil the latest version of the popular tablet. wednesday, president obama will meet with pakistan's prime minister to the white house. of course, they're talking about the stability of the region, economic interest. that's on wednesday. and then thursday, the one year anniversary of soup storm sandy
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on october 24th, 2012. the storm which was then a hurricane made land fall in jamaica. also on thursday, set your dvr. black fish airs right here on cnn. it's at 9:00 p.m. eastern. it is a chilling documentary about captive orkas. that is thursday night at 9:00. friday, furloughed workers start getting their back pay after going without paychecks for three weeks. we made it through the flip calendar thing. i did my best. anna? >> state of the union comes your way at 9:00 eastern. the question now is where do we go from here? what can we expect out of washington? gloria, good morning. who is on the program today? >> well, we've got a really great program if you want to answer those questions. first of all, we've got senator ted cruz who led the charge on
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obama care and the government shutdown. and then, of course, we have senator john mccain who was once the maverick in the senate fighting the new maverick ted cruz. our dana bash went to san antonio, texas, yesterday. spent the entire day with ted cruz. she says he was welcomed like a hero back home. we'll have to see what senator john mccain says about how washington can extract itself from this terrible mess we've created. >> interesting. you have two guys, same side of the aisle, two different viewpoints and really representing the infighting going on within the republican party. >> right. and we want to ask them both about how the republican party gets out of all of this. it's never good for a party to have open warfare, civil war right there on the senate floor and on the house floor. and the question is also, of course, how can anybody get
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anything done? how does this affect the president's agenda going forward on immigration? and we also really want to talk about obama care. you know, this whole fight with the government shutdown kind of obscured the real problems with obama care and how many people are enrolled and whether they find it too difficult to get enrolled. we're going to have to see what these two folks say about the future of obama care and whether they actually think it can work. >> yeah, a lot to talk about for the future of our country. we'll be watching. >> thanks. >> stay right here for cnn's "state of the union." it starts at the top of the hour, 9:00 a.m. eastern. again, right here on cnn. next on "new day," new criticism about the lack of diversity on snl. so are there enough women? and black women on the sketch show and the field of comedy
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anyway. comedian and former mad tv star debra wilson joins us to discuss the controversy. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. that's crazy! crazy efficient. ten standard airbags? and you get stabilitrak with traction control! that is like, crazy protection! this interior is... insane. it is insane. i was gonna say crazy again! [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. just announced, get an additional $1,000 cash on all remaining 2013 chevy cruze models for a total cash allowance of $3,000. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil?
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you should vote for me. i've been selling records. i've been hauling that melissa peterson around nonstop. and you know i need an award for putting up with reba. it's been 23 years since i won female vocalist of the year. reba? >> of course that, was sat night live member doing his impression of country singer reba mcentire. >> don't expect to see him doing anything like that again soon. the comedian says he's done playing female characters as a protest of the show's lack of diversity. >> of course, you know the famous names, sandler, farley,
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murray, murphy. >> yeah. snl is where comedy legends are born but not necessarily if you're a woman or a performer of color. >> in fact, more than a dozen members and the current cast there are no black women and the trend is nothing new. there have only been four black women in the show's nearly four decades long run. >> joining us now is debra wilson. she is a comedian and a former mad tv star. it is especially early out there. >> oh, yeah. >> debra, for years you competed against snl and the late night sketch comedy wars. what are your thoughts on this controversy? i wand to read what keenan thompson said so we have the quote right. he says it's just a tough part of the business, like an auditions they never find one that's are ready, talking about black women. first, are there too few? and is he right that it's too tough and black comedians aren't ready? >> will is no right and there is
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no wrong, especially when it come to the industry. it depends on what people are looking for and what they want. i'm going to play devil's advocate. i think a lot of people will be surprised at what i have to say. first of all, with saturday night live, and a show like that which is iconic, it's been on long as it has for 38 years, lauren michaels pretty much is going to whatever he wants to do. if he says he can't find them, that's a whole different story as opposed to the women that have been coming on to actually audition. so on a subjective level, if women have been coming on and they're not meeting the criteria or what he feels is the criteria in the show in the past 38 years, he has a right to say that. he has a right to do that and the producers have a right to say the women that are actually auditioning don't meet the criteria for what they're looking for for the show. and that's fair and honest. i think we need to be fair and honest in this as well. if you're talking about black women in general or women of color who aren't funny, that's a whole different issue. so we have to pick and choose
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what the real issue is that we're looking at and say let's address that. if the issue is women of color are not funny, then that's not the case. but if the issue is the women that they're looking at specifically who are auditioning for the show, then that's a whole other story and they have a right to that. >> would you consider auditioning for the show? >> no. i would not. i would consider coming on and doing a guest star appearance but not as a celebrity, obviouslyst but if they were ever looking for women of color to do things that have been done out there in the media that are well known, celebrities i've done oprah for a number of years. i've done whitney houston for a number of years. i played a white female characters. i've done black male customers. i did chris tucker for a period of time. and i would gladly come on and have a great time doing that. in fact, we have two mad tv alumni that did the show. jeff richards who was on it for a couple of seasons and now one
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of the youngest cast members on mad tv at the time. now the other issue is people are up in arms simply because they're saying there aren't enough women of color. yes, there aren't enough women of color. but that's their choice. again, i think people are going to be surprised that i'm going to play devil's advocate on this. but that's their choice. and i think there is enough talent out there if they're really saying if lauren michaels and his team over at snl are saying that they really aren't interested, then seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open, ask and it shall be given. there are a lot of talented women of color out there rocking it. one particular that i can think of is named daniel gather. she followed me and my predecessor on mad tv. she is a triple threat. she can sing. she can act. >> i'm going to get your response -- >> she does sketch, improve and amazing. >> we're running on time. i want to get your response to something. you talked about your playing
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black male characters. keenan says he's not going to play any more black women. i want to read something i read online on a blog. she writes, let's not ignore how black women have been completely censored, mischaracterized, even erased comically not just by the white decision makers who deny them platforms but also with assistance from our very own black mothers who seem more than willing to sell out our image for a check. the question is -- i mean there are some people you cannot ignore in sketch comedy. oprah is one. whitney houston is one. if black men on these shows says we're not going to play them, wouldn't they have to find black women to play some of the roles? >> absolutely. absolutely. so that's why i say there are two subjects here. whether or not saturday night live is a blanket statement on that black women aren't funny enough or women of color aren't funny enough or just not really looking in places where these women are. they're there. they're out there. and they are ready and available. it's just that i think that the
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women that have been auditioning or gone through that process may not be ready. may or may not be ready. and that is purely up to the producers to make that decision. but are there women of color out there who are stellar in what they do? absolutely. and they deserve that opportunity. it's just a matter of getting that opportunity and being seen. like i said before, when it comes to lauren michaels, my quote is this, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, ask and it shall be given. they're out there. they're willing. they're ready. and they're extremely talented. >> debra, a quick yes or no question. is saturday night live discriminating? >> it's not a yes or no question. i'm sorry. it's two blanket for me to answer that. bottom line is they're going to do what they want to do. this is a television show this is not a democracy. so to be fair to both "saturday natu night live" and the truth, they're going to do what they want to do the way they want to do it and they have that right. >> debra wilson, thank you so
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much from los angeles. >> absolutely. thank you. >> we'll be right back. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today... and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today.
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finally, our must see moment. >> this is the worst greeter ever at walmart. look. it's a 6 foot alligator just kicking it near the front door of a walmart super center. this is in florida. they have these issues in florida. it's northwest of orlando. >> wall smart security blocked off the entrance to the store while authorities then helped lure the gator away. >> another surprising find in florida, look, another alligator. this time in a hot tub. police near vero beach were
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serving a drug warrant when they found this thing outside. the owner says the alligator was there when he moved in. so he fed it chicken. it came with the house, apparently. the owner has now been arrested. its not clear what will happen to the gator. >> and so he just feeds it chicken. disgusting. >> he was here first. >> talk about the one that got away. a nine foot tiger shark gave a florida fisherman a run for his money. he struggled for 20 minutes trying to reel in the big fish. he even managed to bring it to the surface but it deposit work. the shark dove deep, snapping his fishing pole in half. afterwards he said it felt like pulling a semitruck. >> but look at the size of that. he's got that pull. i know they're reinforced. but it seems like the fish is exactly where it should be. >> i wish we ended on the alligator story so we could


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